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fabric kornit print services textile design

Custom Design

Textile Print Design Services


Need artwork for your fabric print?


Let our team of talented textile print designers and graphic designers make your vision a reality!​


  • Create a Free Membership with FABRIC Incubator HERE.

  • Login to your Membership Dashboard

  • Click on Services

  • Select Textile Print Design under the Design Services section

  • You'll select 1 hour to start so you can meet with the designer and review the project and get a better feel for the amount of work the project may take. The designer will use the remaining meeting time to start the design work (so come prepared knowing exactly what you want to save time)

  • If the work is going to take more time, you'll be sent an estimate so the designer can complete the job.


Have questions or want to run a design idea by our team for a quick rough estimate instead?

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