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fabric tempe kornit print shop consulting textile industry

Consulting and Support

Our team is dedicated to providing expert advice, technical assistance, and creative guidance throughout our engagement with your brand. We have a talented team of designers who can be hired at $95/hr to help you at any point in the design, sourcing, and printing process.


Pre-Print Consultation

  • Design Guidance: Work with our talented design team to get expert advice on fabric design, color choices, and trends to help you create aesthetically pleasing and marketable products.

  • Material Selection: We can assist you in selecting the appropriate fabric for your specific needs, considering factors like serviceability, texture, durability, drape, and intended use.

  • Print Types: We can help you understand the various print types so that you are prepared before you print. Check out THIS helpful guide for the basics.

  • Print Methods: We can explain the different printing methods and their advantages, helping customers make informed decisions about the best technique for their project.

Technical Support

  • File Preparation: We offer guidelines and direct assistance on preparing digital files for printing, including resolution requirements, color profiles, and file formats.

  • Troubleshooting: We provide solutions to common technical issues, such as color inconsistencies, print errors, and fabric compatibility problems.

Order Management

  • Order Tracking: We enable customers to track their orders from production to delivery, offering real-time updates and support if any issues arise.

  • Custom Quotes: We provide personalized quotes for bulk orders, special requests, or complex projects, ensuring transparency and competitive pricing.

  • Samples: We facilitate the ordering of print samples (strike offs), allowing customers to evaluate the quality and appearance before committing to larger orders.

Post Print Support

  • Care Instructions: We can offer detailed guidelines on how to care for printed fabrics to ensure longevity and maintain print quality.

  • Feedback and Adjustments: We collect customer feedback on the final product and provide solutions or adjustments if the print does not meet their expectations.

  • Reorders and Repeat Business: Want to re-order? We have a simple process for reordering or adjusting previous designs.

Creative Services

  • Design Services: We provide access to talented in-house designers who can help you bring your artwork to life.

  • Refine Your Design: We can also work with your staff or freelance designer to assist you in creating or refining your fabric designs.

Customer Education

  • ROADMAP: We provide an Apparel Entrepreneur ROADMAP that guides you through starting an apparel brand, developing a sewn product, manufacturing in small batches domestically, branding, and marketing. There are hundreds of steps, videos, tips, instructions, and downloadable documents such as THIS one on the basics of Textile Print Design to inform and guide new apparel entrepreneurs through the complexities of getting a product made.

  • Workshops and Webinars: We organize educational sessions on fabric printing techniques, design trends, and best practices to empower you with knowledge.

  • Resource Library: We maintain a comprehensive library of swatches available to you at no charge so you can source your materials. â€‹

Contact Us For Support

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